February Highlights

Happy March! Today looks like spring is coming – have a look, the light is falling differently throughout the day.

It’s nice to reflect on the month past, especially on pretty, happy things. I was inspired to bring out the snapshots from lovelier moments of the month by Mara’s monthly series of photo highlight posts. I love her blog – she writes a sweet, fun, and superbly well-done blog over at M loves M. I capture moments all the time on Instagram (follow me by searching @nini4nana!) that I don’t necessarily put up on Where the BlueBoots Go, so I thought I’d share these with you with relevant links and captions and take a moment to bid farewell to February in a great way.

I hope you enjoy the highlights! Let me know what you think! 🙂 clockwise from left to right:

Larger versions of all of the above captures on Instagram are below, in case you want a closer look!

Happy Monday.

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