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Meaningful Hope

Photo: Getty Villa, Malibu, CA.//Quote: Adapted from “The Crucified Christ”

That the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:17

It’s the question of questions – what’s the meaning of life? What’s your purpose? Reading here, I’m impressed that God’s purpose is much more than we would assume or perceive. Its source is in a limitless, eternal divine LOVE. This love fills our wildest imaginings of our own ability to love, and makes us people who can express virtues that are filled with the essential and real love of God. This process leaves us in a position where we are fully-equipped, and full of purpose.

Here’s an adaptation of another quote from The Crucified Christ: 

[God’s] creation, redemption, sanctification, and all other aspects of His work are for this one purpose: to work Himself into man and to mingle Himself with man.

If you haven’t thought much about the word “mingle,” take a minute to consider it. It means you can’t tear the things that are mingling from one another. If I’m baking cinnamon rolls, at some point I’m going to launch eggs, salt, flour, and sugar into a mixing bowl. That mixer is going to fold all those together and when the dough rolls out onto the board, I’m not going to be able to separate the crystals of sugar from the egg yolks. It’s now all combined – mingled – into dough.

Why are you going through one impossibly difficult situation after another? Here is something else to think about:

The unique purpose of God in creating all things and mankind, in leading us through all kinds of environments, and in continually working in us in various ways is to mingle Himself with us [why???] that He may become our content, our life, and our nature. …. However it is very difficult for [us] to be deeply impressed with this kind of word [ uh oh…why?] it is because God’s purpose is basically nonexistent in us. It is absent not only from our thought but also from our hope.

Take-Away – cooperate by having HOPE in God’s purpose. 


Have a blessed Tuesday, everyone!



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