Making choices about the amount & kind of food we want: How to ask yourself the right questions

Questions to support a more mindful approach to eating out from the costs & values perspectives. Clearly, I have food on the mind. Yesterday, I participated in a small group chat with the C.E.O., Sonia, of Fresh Box Farms, about food safety, fresh produce, and our ideas about sourcing healthy options and sustainable farming in the … More Making choices about the amount & kind of food we want: How to ask yourself the right questions

A “clean life” – does it exist somewhere in between tidying and a no-waste lifestyle?

Are these two roads to the same goal? This week, I finally finished reading Marie (KonMari) Kondo’s sensational book, the life-changing magic of tidying up. As I finished it, and throughout the book, I found myself saying that the author and I would probably not get along. She was a shy child, and kept to herself. She … More A “clean life” – does it exist somewhere in between tidying and a no-waste lifestyle?